Lambing went fast and well here this year! All 3 ewes are first-timers or "maiden ewes". Sugar lambed first all by herself; a set of twin, white ewes. Unfortunately, about 8 hours into mothering, she rejected one. That one came in the house as a "diaper-lamb" and learned how to take a bottle for a few days...... Much to the delight of the grandkids!
Dinah was getting a bit ketotic and we started energy drenches. She did get all 3 babies out finally after several hours of labor. She was exhausted and I pulled the final big boy. She has 2 boys and a girl-the boys are black and spotted!
A week went by and we got our house-lamb back out to the barn to be a sheep....but we still bottle her often. The other ewes started settling into their mothering routine together away from the main pasture. After 4 tries we finally got a temporary "mothering-pen" up that Sugar didn't tear down!
On Mother's day we woke to a white-out blizzard. It looked impressive as we drove to town, but fortunately, didn't stick much.
After church we let out the ewes, and as Lucy left the barn, we noticed a baby hanging out her backside! She wasn't due for a week!
She lambed white triplets on Mother's Day/Good Shepherd Sunday! What an appropriate day!
All sheep are together, and doing well now. We just got them back onto the main pasture with the grandmas and hope they don't crawl thru the fence to visit our horses!
MAWS-Montana Assoc. of Weavers and Spinners is holding their biennial conference in Great Falls June 5-8. It is at Heritage Inn. Just google them for more info.
They have opened up single-class registrations for those who do not want to pay for the whole conference. Email Cathy at for info on single classes. See the website for class offerings; a wide array from shibori dyeing to lace weaving and wheel mechanics.
I am leading a "Meet the Sheep" tour to Beaverslide Drygoods on Saturday, June 7. Plus--I will deliver a "World of Fiber" slide show on Friday night as keynote speaker.
Hope to see you there!